URGENT: Teen Mom Bedridden with COVID Schedules Abortion Friday, February 4th

“I want to give my baby a better life than I had, but how can I do that all alone?”
- Brooke
$37,667 of $39,500 raised
Let Them Live is actively counseling a 10-weeks pregnant mom, "Brooke". She has an abortion scheduled for Friday, February 4th*.

Brooke grew up in a dysfunctional home, and the thought of motherhood has always scared her. She feared she might make the same mistakes as her parents, so as soon as she discovered that she was pregnant, these doubts made abortion seem like her best and only option.

Sadly, the father of her baby thought so too. As soon as Brooke told her boyfriend that she was expecting, he started pressuring her to abort.

Although Brooke was unsure about her ability to parent, her boyfriend’s reaction hurt her. He made it clear that he had no regard for Brooke or their baby and, eventually, the pressure became so intense that she had no choice but to move out of their shared apartment.

Shortly after moving out, Brooke found out she had Covid. Now she is bedridden and unable to work which is adding to her feelings of aloneness, confusion and fear.

Brooke recognizes the humanity of her unborn baby, but she still feels like abortion is her best and only option. She is afraid that she does not have the emotional or financial means to be a good mom, and she doesn’t want her baby to suffer the way she did as a child.

Brooke is in desperate need of both emotional and financial support, which our community can provide. She needs to know that she is capable of giving her child a better life than she had growing up, and that we will be there to support her every step of the way.

Will you join us in encouraging Brooke that she is completely capable of choosing life? Together, we can provide Brooke with the support that she needs to choose life for her precious baby!

Here are the expenses that our crisis pregnancy counselor identified so that she can keep her baby:
Housing + Utilities | Groceries | Transportation | Pregnancy and job / financial counseling | Prenatal Care
With your help, we can save her and her baby from abortion! Donors will receive updates on Brooke and her baby throughout and after her pregnancy.
Donate now to support Brooke and her baby!
*Let Them Live ("LTL") is legally and morally obligated to protect the privacy of the women whom we help. Some details of Brooke's identity, story, and situation have been modified or omitted for her safety. LTL is firmly committed to responsible stewardship of donor funds. Any excess funds raised for this mother will be used to support other moms in need and the general costs of LTL's mission. If you have any questions, please contact us at info@letthemlive.org.

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