Nia's Story

Meet Nia's baby
Nia's Story:

Naomi is thankful for all your prayers! 

Nia was a single mom who was struggling to care for her two-year-old. Unfortunate circumstances caused her to lose both her jobs and put her behind on rent and car payments. Then she found out she was pregnant. Her first stop involved finding out what she could about getting an abortion, however, she was approached by a sidewalk counselor who referred her to Let Them Live. Nia didn’t want to abort her baby but her mind kept flashing back to her stint as a homeless mother when her first daughter was only ten months old. She also kept hearing the negative comments from family about her life as a single mother. 

While pregnancy is never easy, Nia walked through it like a champ. She was able to find a job and start “nesting” for her second baby girl! Nia loved being a mom and was so excited to welcome little Naomi the moment she knew she had support!

Further updates on Nia &
No further updates. Check back soon!
First Contact
Welcome to the world, baby Naomi!
Baby Naomi's 6 Month Update
Happy 1st birthday, Naomi!

Nia's Story

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