Brittney's Story

Meet Brittney's baby
Brittney's Story:

When we first connected with Brittney, she was considering abortion.

Prior to Covid, she had a well-paying job as a flight attendant until travel restrictions reduced her hours, forcing her to seek employment elsewhere. It was during her job hunt that she discovered she was pregnant.

She shared the news of her pregnancy with her boyfriend, but he responded by abandoning Brittney and their unborn baby. With no income, and no support from her baby’s father, Brittney was left to sleep on a friend's couch.

Although she believed abortion was killing, Brittney couldn’t stop thinking about it as a solution to her stressful situation. Ten weeks into her pregnancy she scheduled that abortion appointment.

Her convictions kept her from going to that first appointment, but after an argument with her boyfriend, she called to schedule a second appointment. Just as the Planned Parenthood representative answered the call, Brittney passed a billboard that read "Choose Life" and she dropped her phone.

She believed God was sending her a message.

After this experience, Brittney was moved to seek help. This led her to Let Them Live.

Thanks to the work of our committed counselors, and the support of our devoted donors, we eased Brittney of her anxieties: freeing her to focus on preparing for her baby.

On June 13, 2021, Brittney delivered a beautiful baby girl she named Daisy.

Pregnancy Counselor: Jess Meeth

Further updates on Brittney &
No further updates. Check back soon!
First Contact
Welcome to the world, baby Daisy!
Baby Daisy's 6 Month Update
Happy 1st birthday, Daisy!

Brittney's Story

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