Kara's Story

Meet Kara's baby
Kara's Story:

Introducing baby Johnny—another baby spared from abortion!

Kara contacted us in secret about her pregnancy, because she knew her husband, Justin, would pressure her to get an abortion.

After their last child was born Kara and Justin agreed that they were done having children—their budget just couldn’t handle another. Despite this financial concern, and she and her husband’s agreement, Kara did not want to take the life of her baby. When she finally told Justin she was expecting, he declared that their marriage would not last.

Kara ultimately chose life for her baby and her marriage. Her husband did not. The darkness that had festered in him, eaten away at him, spilled out into a violent altercation that ended with Justin being locked away.

Throughout the heartbreak and terror of these event, Kara’s Let Them Live counselor stayed with her. Kara needed genuine support from someone who could understand. As it so happened, her counselor had faced similar circumstances in her past.

Facing these struggles alone would’ve been a heavy sentence, but because of your support we were able to be there for Kara. Due to her husband’s absence, her financial concerns multiplied, but your generosity amazed Kara and got her family through this dark time. The kindness of total strangers has made a real impact and now Kara is one son richer.

Further updates on Kara &
No further updates. Check back soon!
First Contact
Welcome to the world, baby Johnny!
Baby Johnny's 6 Month Update
Happy 1st birthday, Johnny!

Kara's Story

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