Lucy's Story

Meet Lucy's baby
Lucy's Story:

Welcome to the world, baby Bella! 

When Lucy found out she was pregnant she was actually quite excited! She was planning on keeping the baby from the very beginning. However, things didn't go as planned, almost right from the beginning. Her boyfriend moved out after finding out she was pregnant and that left her straddled with the bills. Then she began to get sick and was put on bedrest by her doctor.

Being on bedrest meant Lucy lost her job and source of income. She remembered back to the people at the abortion clinic who had cared for her during her first abortion and began to wonder if maybe that was the option she was going to have to take after all. Burned with rent and not having a job, Lucy decided that abortion was her only choice. 

Lucy felt really alone but when she was referred to Let Them Live, she was relieved to be given back her right to choose! Thankfully, the symptoms that had her on bedrest eased up and she was able to go back to work. Lucy worked with her counselor to budget and save money and prepare for after the baby was born. Of course, she still struggled with the fear of being a single mother, Lucy felt so much love from her supporters and support team. In her own words she said "I REALLY appreciate all of the support. You all have given me so much strength during all of this. Honestly one of the hardest things I've been through, but you all have made it less hard because of all the support...not only financially, but mentally and emotionally. Your organization is very inspirational and one that I plan on supporting when I'm in a position to” Little baby, Bella, is here today because of YOU, thank you!

Pregnancy Counselor: Jess Meeth

Further updates on Lucy &
No further updates. Check back soon!
First Contact

After having pregnancy complications and having to quit working, Lucy was looking for somewhere to help her with an abortion. The place she stumbled across was actually a pro-life organization that referred her to Let Them Live! She was put in touch with a counselor and from there decided to keep her baby!

Welcome to the world, baby Bella!
Baby Bella's 6 Month Update
Happy 1st birthday, Bella!

Lucy's Story

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