Olivia's Story

Meet Olivia's baby
Olivia's Story:

When Olivia reached out to Let Them Live she was 7 weeks pregnant, scared, alone and to her knowledge, out of options other than abortion. She came across a Let Them Live Instagram post and reached out for guidance as her last resort.

Olivia shared with us that the father of her baby was not only pressuring her to get an abortion but even offered to pay for it.

She had moved to a new state a few years prior so she did not have family or friends around to support her or offer her any sound advice on what to do. Not only was this pregnancy a surprise to her, but her job as a model would not allow her to continue working as she progressed into her

Olivia bravely accepted LTL’s support and we were able to give her the encouragement she needed to choose life.

She gave birth to her son, Stone, on June 23, 2020
and is so thankful he is here with her today!

Pregnancy Counselor: Emily Berning

Further updates on Olivia &
No further updates. Check back soon!
First Contact

Olivia discovers Let Them Live by searching #abortion on Instagram. She simply messages us, "I need help".

Welcome to the world, baby Stone!

Olivia gave birth to her son, Stone, on June 23, 2020

Baby Stone's 6 Month Update
Happy 1st birthday, Stone!

Olivia's Redemption:

Olivia's Story

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