Willow's Story

Meet Willow's baby
Willow's Story:

Meet Alessia! Her momma thought abortion made sense, until she realized what she’d be missing.
Society told Willow that she should be older, and more established, before she had a child. So, when she became pregnant, Willow worried that she wasn’t ready to parent.
Although she had a job, Willow was staying in a shelter and knew that her current wage wouldn’t support a baby. To make matters worse, the shelter Willow stayed at informed her that if she chose life then she and the baby would have to leave.
Willow reached out to Let Them Live, but she made it clear that she had an abortion appointment scheduled and was only calling to “explore her options.” We knew we had to work fast.
Willow’s Let Them Live counselor suspected that Willow would become more responsible if she chose life, so she encouraged her to see her baby as a blessing. Additionally, we promised Willow that we would help her find sustainable housing.
In the end, Willow went to her abortion appointment, but she walked out! By then, she knew that she didn’t need to buy the narrative society was selling. Sure, she didn’t have everything figured out, but she was determined to be a great mom.
Nearly full-term, Willow shared with her counselor all that she planned to accomplish and to become in order to care for her baby, Alessia. Isn't it beautiful that having a baby can serve as motivation for self-improvement!
Let’s show Willow what a great mom she is for choosing life!

Further updates on Willow &
No further updates. Check back soon!
First Contact
Welcome to the world, baby Alessia!
Baby Alessia's 6 Month Update
Happy 1st birthday, Alessia!

Willow's Story

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