Zoe's Story

Meet Zoe's baby
Zade and Sadie!
Zoe's Story:
Story currently being typed up... Check back soon!
Further updates on Zoe &
Zade and Sadie
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First Contact
Welcome to the world, baby Zade and Sadie!

Sadie weighed 2lbs when she was born and is still in the hospital. She is doing well and expected to go home soon!
While in the womb, Zade was diagnosed with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia in mid-August. CDH is when there is a hole in the diaphragm. When this gap forms during development, the bowel, stomach, or liver can move into the chest cavity resulting in complications. Zoe spent 3 hours cradling Zade before he passed peacefully in her arms.
On top of learning about Zade’s condition a few months ago, she learned her uncle, whom she loved very much and named her son after, had passed.
Please keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

Baby Zade and Sadie's 6 Month Update
Happy 1st birthday, Zade and Sadie!

Zoe's Story

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