URGENT: After Tragic Anencephaly Diagnosis, Heartbroken Couple Plans 3-Day, Late-Term Abortion, September 22nd to 24th

“We don’t know what to do after hearing this news.”
- Layla
$16,922 of $45,000 raised
Let Them Live is actively counseling Layla and Alvaro, who recently started planning a 19-week out-of-state abortion. They are facing pressure from their doctor to abort their son, who was recently diagnosed with a devastating medical condition called anencephaly.

When Layla and her husband found out they were pregnant with their third child, they were overjoyed. They had been trying for years to have one more child, but it seemed that the day may never come. With two daughters, Alvaro had always dreamed of having a son.

When they went in for a routine ultrasound at 18 weeks, they were overjoyed to discover that Layla was pregnant with a baby boy. But then things took a tragic turn for the worse. The doctor, initially overjoyed to share the news of a boy with the couple, rushed out of the room. When she returned, she was visibly uncomfortable. Immediately, Layla and Alvaro sensed something was wrong.

They asked the doctor, who began describing how the baby had a rare medical condition called anencephaly. She then handed them a pamphlet about the fatal diagnosis and suggested they call an abortion clinic just over the border that could “help” them by terminating the pregnancy. 

Layla and Alvaro were immediately flooded with feelings of hopelessness and despair. Strong believers in the sanctity of life, they had never considered abortion to be an option. That, mixed with the realization that their baby boy had no hope of a normal life, was overwhelming. 

As Layla cried in his arms, Alvaro, numb, did what he felt was best — he dialed the number of the abortion clinic and began planning an abortion for the following week.

Layla and Alvaro will always grapple with the despair of losing their first and only son. But with your help, we can save them from the heavy regret of having intentionally ended their son’s life. Your support will allow Layla and Alvaro to give their son a proper life and dignified death, and our counseling team will help them find meaning in the midst of tragedy.

In choosing life, Layla and Alvaro may face extreme and unforeseen medical expenses. They will likely spend significant time at the hospital, during which time they will need other financial support. Our commitment will be to cover all expenses that are incurred from their pregnancy. Whatever time their baby boy has—whether hours, days, weeks, or even months—this should be spent as a family with Layla and Alvaro, free from any worries about finances. 


Even if it’s just $5, by donating together, our small but mighty community will ensure that Layla and Alvaro get as much time as possible with their precious son. For Layla and Alvaro, this time—even if short—will mean the world. What’s more, your generosity will save them from the remorse of having taken their son’s life.


Here are the expenses that our crisis pregnancy counselors identified so that Layla can confidently carry her pregnancy to term.
Pregnancy and job / financial counseling | Childcare | Prenatal Care | Medical Expenses | Other Related Expenses
With your help, we can save Layla, Alvaro, and their 19-week baby boy from abortion! Donors will receive updates on Layla and her baby throughout and after her pregnancy.
Donate now to support Layla, Alvaro, and their baby!
*Let Them Live ("LTL") is legally and morally obligated to protect the privacy of the women whom we help. Some details of Layla's identity, story, and situation have been modified or omitted for her safety. LTL is firmly committed to responsible stewardship of donor funds. Any excess funds raised for this mother will be used to support other moms in need and the general costs of LTL's mission. If you have any questions, please contact us at info@letthemlive.org.

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